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Die Woche in Australien in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Austr@alien Mag@zine

Virtually Shop Down Under

artAustralia (Eyewitness Travel Guides)
DK Publishing
New $20.40
artNew Zealand (Eyewitness Travel Guides)
DK Publishing
New $17.00
artTransit of Venus
Penguin USA (Paper)
New $11.16
(Prices May Change)
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artStupid White Men ...and Other Sorry Excuses for the State of the Nation!
Regan Books
New $17.65
artDude, Where's My Country?
Warner Books
New $16.97
artDistance Education: A Systems View
Wadsworth Publishing
New $99.95
(Prices May Change)
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German language accommodation providers

Home away from Home

Home away from Home

Here you find lists of German language contacts in Australia.

Many travellers prefer to find accommodation with German migrants.

These listings should provide travellers in Australia who do not have the necessary English language skills to find contacts to numerous businesses and institutions providing German language services in Australia.

Information from people who live locally using their own native language.

Listen to the many yarns of the beauty and attractions of the fifth continent.

IMPORTANT: To be listed is a FREE service!

Home away from Home

German Langugage Accomodation Providers in Australia

To be listed is - (Click here)


Australia's German Language Media

The German language media in Australia has a long tradition. The first printed publications in Australia where founded by German Lutheran monks and settlers in the last century. Some of the big Australian news papers still on the market today and read daily by millions of Australians have their origine in the remarkable work of these early German settlers.

But even these days media who's aim it is to offer special language service to migrants and travellers are numerous.

Pioneers like the German language weekly news paper "Die Woche in Australien" (The week in Australia) published since 1957 in print, the television station SBS (Special Broadcasting Services) as a TV broadcaster and the Austr@alien Mag@zine in the online internet publication market, have long realized that due to the multicultural societies in Australia that there is a great interest in the multilingual media.

Especially worth mentioning deserves the remarkable achievements of the mostly freewill and non payed organizers and their helpers of numerous German language community radios and club magazines available in Australia.

It  is our aim to provide an internet platform for the Australian German language media.

Using this relative Young medium we would like to invite all involved to include their details here. Migrants and travellers have so with the chance to be informed quick and easy about the German language media offers in Australia.

IMPORTANT: To be listed is a FREE service!

Australia's German Language Media

German Language Media in Australia


To be listed is - (Click here)



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